Category Archives: *Amazing Paper Grace – Hemstitch Rectangles

Showcasing the Amazing Paper Grace November 2022 Die of Month - Pop Up 3D Vignette Alarm Clock - detailed information at

November 2022 Die of the Month | Pop Up 3D Vignette Alarm Clock

Sweet Crafty Friends – you know what time it is!!  It’s time to introduce a new Die of the Month!!   Please welcome The

Showcasing the Amazing Paper Grace September 2022 Die of Gumball Machine - detailed information at

Amazing Paper Grace September 2022 Die of the Month | Pop Up 3D Vignette Gumball Machine

Sweet Readers, today is the beginning of September and that means, I have the pleasure of introducing a new Die of the Month today. 

Amazing Paper Grace August 2022 Die of the Month - Peekaboo Trellis Panels - detailed information at

Amazing Paper Grace August 2022 Die of the Month | Peekaboo Trellis Panels

Sweet friends, you know what time it is!!  Yes, it’s the beginning of the month and that means a new Die of the Month!  So without

Foil Card Making Ideas by Becca Feeken Using Glorious Glimmer Foil Flowers, Glorious Glimmer Elegant Sentimenrs and Spellbinders Hemstitch Rectangles - see full supply list at

Happy New Year! | One Last Card

Happy New Year Sweet Friends!  I couldn’t resist throwing one more card out there to officially close down the year.  I feel like

How to make a Shaped Card by Becca Feeken using Amazing Paper Grace Dies by Spellbinders - Flourished Square and Hemstitch Circles - see full post and supplies at

Without Music | Shaped Card

Good morning sweet friends!  I’ve been tinkering with the dies from the Romancing the Swirl Collection, so I reached for the lovely

How to Get Beautiful Snippings of Your Dies by Becca Feeken using Spellbinders Ringlet Round - see supply list and video tutorial at

How to Get Beautiful Snippings of your Dies and a Hands on Video Tutorial

Hiya, I was going through some of the cards I made recently and did not have a chance to share – there are two today plus another

Introducing Romancing the Swirl Collection by Amazing Paper Grace

Introducing Amazing Paper Grace – Romancing the Swirl Collection

Welcome sweet friends, today we are introducing my new dies – you’ve seen this picture before when I peeked it in January and

Uplifting Cards by Becca Feeken using Spellbinders Hemstitch Rectangles, Lunette Arched Borders and Cinch and Go Flowers II - see full supply list at

Uplifting Cards | Believe in You

Good morning sweet friends!  I’m popping in today for a quick post and to also let you know that there is a treat in store for you

Card Making Ideas by Becca Feeken using Spellbinders Ladies Shoe and Spellbinders Hemstitch Rectangles - see full supply list on

You Had The Power All Along My Dear and Weekly Inspiration

Yes, we make cards. Yes, we gingerly lay a postage stamp on them and send them off with good wishes tucked inside the envelope.  Have you

Card Making Ideas by Becca Feeken using Spellbinders Filigree Bookmark, Spellbinders Hemstitch Rectangles, Spellbinders Cinch and Go Flowers - see full supply list at

The Best Thing I Ever Did and Weekly Inspiration

Hi there sweet friends, I think this past three weeks is the longest I’ve ever been away from blogging.  We’ll needless to say

Card Making Ideas by Becca Feeken using Spellbinders Hemstitch Rectangles and Cinch and Go Flowers II - see full supply list at

Weekly Inspiration – Sweet Flowers

Sweet friends, we’re back for more weekly inspiration.  Flowers seem to be the embellishment of the day, so we gave in.  All of us

Cardmaking Ideas by Becca Feeken using Emmeline, Venise Lace, Hemstitch Rectangles, Cinch and Go Flowers II, Graceful Tiny Tags Dies and Stamp Set - see for full supply list and links

Meet Emmeline

Happy Friday sweet friends.  I’m smiling today because I have a card to share.  It was actually the inspiration for the Emmeline