Category Archives: :Pink

When Is It Okay to Judge a Book By It’s Cover?

How many times have you heard ‘never judge a book by its cover’? Well, that’s simply not true. It’s okay to judge

Day of Giving Friday: Plan on Being My Favorite

Good morning sweet friends, I hope you’ve had a wonderful week!!  I’m tickled to say that the Creative Team and I have a

Day of Giving Friday: Begin It

Good Morning sweet friends!  I hope you are making preparations for a family filled weekend that makes your holiday special.  I’m

Day of Giving Friday: You Are The Best!

Sweet Peeps, Happy Friday.  I have to say that just as much as giving a card on Fridays and reading your heartfelt sharing, I adore

No Fooling – Twin Cards of Different Blogs

Happy April Fools!    So today I’m blogging over on the Spellbinders Blog, no kidding!!  Over there I’m showing you

Day of Giving Friday: The Greatest Strength

Hey y’all, Happy Friday!!  Oh, and happy end of March already.  You know what tomorrow is right?  We’ll I’m not fooling

Day of Giving Friday: Together Forever

Good morning sweet friends!  How does Friday get here so soon, lol?  I’ve shared this card on the Spellbinders Blog but wanted to

Day of Giving Friday: Grace Be With You

Hello sweet friends!  Truly, grace be with you . . . this is a stamp that has been sitting on the counter for some time.   I’ve

Day of Giving Friday: Under His Wings

Hello there today!!!  Peeking in to share a card for Day of Giving Friday.  This is one of my oldies but there are few that are closer to

Take Wing and Fly – Plus a Sneak Peek – Contest Alert

Sweet friends it’s a glorious morning!  I’m so tickled to share something with you today that is truly from my heart (and

Day of Giving Friday: Thinking of You

Good morning sweet friends!   Tickled to be peeking in today and wanted to let you know that I haven’t forgotten about our winners

I’m Home and a Giveaway Winner

Dearest friends!  It’s been such an emotional week and through it I’ve wondered how I could be so favored to receive such