Category Archives: Day of Giving Friday

Day of Giving Friday: Plan on Being My Favorite

Good morning sweet friends, I hope you’ve had a wonderful week!!  I’m tickled to say that the Creative Team and I have a

Day of Giving Friday: The Greatest Revelation

Happy Friday Gracelets!!  I’ve been on vacation and was so blessed to get to see my grown kids.  We had a bit of an eventful holiday

Day of Giving Friday: Under His Wings

Happy Friday, and of course today is Day of Giving Friday! My card shown today is up for grabs to a sweet reader who leaves a comment.  I

Day of Giving Friday: Begin It

Good Morning sweet friends!  I hope you are making preparations for a family filled weekend that makes your holiday special.  I’m

Day of Giving Friday: The Greatest Strength

Hey y’all, Happy Friday!!  Oh, and happy end of March already.  You know what tomorrow is right?  We’ll I’m not fooling

Day of Giving Friday: Together Forever

Good morning sweet friends!  How does Friday get here so soon, lol?  I’ve shared this card on the Spellbinders Blog but wanted to

Day of Giving Friday: Grace Be With You

Hello sweet friends!  Truly, grace be with you . . . this is a stamp that has been sitting on the counter for some time.   I’ve

Day of Giving Friday: You are So Loved

Hello sweet friends!  I’m popping in today with a new card and simply to say hi.  I’m ticking along in the background, while

Day of Giving Friday: Under His Wings

Hello there today!!!  Peeking in to share a card for Day of Giving Friday.  This is one of my oldies but there are few that are closer to

Day of Giving Friday: The Holidays are Coming

News flash:  I’m getting caught up – Nine new card winners have been listed on my Giveaway Page – they have an * in

Day of Giving Friday: Something Wonderful is About to Happen

Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!  It was like a miracle that I got home and that stamp was sitting in my mailbox

Day of Giving Friday: Our Friendship Spans the Miles

And then in an instant, our plans changed and an adventure was in the making (but I digress).  Good morning sweet friends, I’ve just