Category Archives: 5.5 x 7.5 (A7 Wide)

Day of Giving Friday: Let your Dies be the Hero

Good afternoon friends!  Well, I took a vacation that I didn’t expect to take.  I had an event that was to take me away from my desk

Friends Forever

Hello there!  I have a new card to share with classic dies from your stash.  I’m in the making mood and had a thought dancing around

Day of Giving Friday: Openings in Heaven

Good morning sweet friends!  So I had a little adventure.  My sister flew in and we took to the road.  We banned work, donned our sandals

Day of Giving Friday: Happy April Fools

Good morning sweet friends.  I’m wishing you a Happy April Fools Day, but my hope for you today is that you’re nobody’s

Day of Giving Friday: With Heart

Good morning sweet friends.  My apologies but I plumb forgot to list last weeks Day of Giving winner but I managed to get the name posted

Clean Shabby Birthday

Good morning lovelies!!  Ahem, I think you will see a continuing theme through my last posts – I’m just head over heels with

Day of Giving Friday: New Card – Angels from Friendship

Good morning friends!! Happy Friday and yes, another week has zoomed by and it’s Day of Giving Friday with a new card.  Okay, I

Follow Your Dreams

Good morning sweeties!  You will swear that I’m stuck on dreams, perhaps I am :-)  I picked a sweet Quietfire Design sentiment

Live in the Moment

Good Sunday morning lovely friends!   Can I just say that when I have the chance to sit down and create it calms my soul.  It has been a

Filled with Love and Laughter

Good morning sweet friends!  Hope you all are safe and sound especially if you are affected by the east coast blizzard.  Today I’m

A Floral Christmas

Happy Holidays dear friends!  Yes, it is getting closer.  Popping up to share some last minute Christmas inspiration.  I’m working

Spellbinders CHA Roundup- Day #1

Welcome to the first day of the Spellbinders Paper Art CHA Roundup Day #1.  As a Licensed Designer for Spellbinders, work goes on all year