Category Archives: :Peach

Have Passion

Hi friends, today I’ve been delving into things on my desk and actually trying to make a few cards – I’ve been playing

Day of Giving Friday: Time Is A Companion

Good morning friends.  I’m so tickled to be back for Day of Giving Friday with a new card!  I’m a little late with my post

Welcome Home – Extended Family Large Fancy Sentiments

Hi there friends!  I have another card to share today made with goodies from the new releases this week with JustRite Papercrafts.

We Cannot Tell the Precise Moment. . .

… when friendship is formed.  I have been planning to use this stamp for quite some time, it’s one of my hands down all time

The Magic of A Smile

Hiya Friends!  Jumping in to share a card after being MIA for a bit.  April is passing so quickly but since the last time I was here, the

The Voice of the Garden

Greetings friends!  If I said the word “Spring” would you that help you understand where my mind has been?  Yes, you are

Heart and Soul

Greetings friends….hallelujah, spring is coming!!  I love everything about spring and it makes me reach for the powdery light pastel

JustRite Papercrafts February 2014 Releases Day 2

Hi friends, I’m back for Day 2 of JustRite Papercrafts February Release.  I was in the mood for a card more shabby that I normally

Hugs and Kisses for the Baby

Hi there blog friends is it Friday again?  I was fortunate to get my hands onto a set of baby stamps – I honestly don’t have

Crazy about Long Filigree Die Cut Cards

Hi there blog friends!!  I’ hope you’ll indulge me, today I’m showing another sample.   If you’re interested in

If You Were Looking For A Sign, This is It

I’m a firm believer that the answer is usually close by, right under your nose or just under a prayer.    How often have you seen

Sending Love with Delicate Doilies

Good morning blog friends!!  Remember that today is the last day to enter your name for the Clear Cases Giveaway – you can click