Category Archives: |Elegant

The Wrong Side of Beauty

Hi there friends, I hope you’re not tired of my experimentation yet.  So many times when I sit down there’s pressure to get it

Friends Forever

Hi friends, I’m peeking in from my catch-up crafting weekend.  It’s not a pretty picture around my house, beds are unmade,

Day of Giving Friday: Openings in Heaven

Good morning sweet friends!  So I had a little adventure.  My sister flew in and we took to the road.  We banned work, donned our sandals

Day of Giving Friday: Happy April Fools

Good morning sweet friends.  I’m wishing you a Happy April Fools Day, but my hope for you today is that you’re nobody’s

Day of Giving Friday: With Heart

Good morning sweet friends.  My apologies but I plumb forgot to list last weeks Day of Giving winner but I managed to get the name posted

Clean Shabby Birthday

Good morning lovelies!!  Ahem, I think you will see a continuing theme through my last posts – I’m just head over heels with

You Make Me Smile

Good morning sweet friends!  I’m popping in to share a card today.  This card made me think about how we display the cards we are

Live in the Moment

Good Sunday morning lovely friends!   Can I just say that when I have the chance to sit down and create it calms my soul.  It has been a

Filled with Love and Laughter

Good morning sweet friends!  Hope you all are safe and sound especially if you are affected by the east coast blizzard.  Today I’m

Elegance in 10 Minutes

Well it had to happen . . . I overlooked someone when I was making Christmas Cards.  Never fear, I had a couple of thoughts knocking

A Floral Christmas

Happy Holidays dear friends!  Yes, it is getting closer.  Popping up to share some last minute Christmas inspiration.  I’m working

Become a Child Again

Good morning dear friends!   I received a sweet, sweet Christmas saying from my friends at Quietfire Design called Our Hearts Grow