Category Archives: -Anytime Cards

Giving Thanks

Good morning blog friends!  Today is day three of JustRite Papercrafts October releases. Fall is in the air!  Yes, some of us have

Go Make Beautiful Things Happen

Good morning friends!  Today is Day 2 of new October releases for JustRite Papercraft!  We challenged ourselves to stretch a little bit

Thinking of You

Good morning friends!  Die cut words are everywhere so today, I decided to put some I have in my stash to use!  I absolutely love them and

New Day, New Strength

Hi there friends!  As always, I’m working on stuff in the background but took a moment have a look at what’s new in my stash.

Introducing – A Flower for your Thoughts

Yep, I love it when I have a new set of stamps to release and today is that day!!! This is truly one of my favorites, it’s called A

Faith is the Daring of the Soul

Good morning craft friends, I hope you’re having a marvelous weekend (holiday weekend if you are in the US)!  Mine has been filled

Nothing is Worth More

Good morning craft friends!  Just a heads up, on Monday and Tuesday the ole’ blog was getting some needed attention on the back side

I Adore You Lattice Card

Hi there sweet friends!  Happy Monday morning!!  Peeking in real quick to share a card I’ve had on my mind.  It’s a bit like a

JustRite Papercraft May 2014 New Releases Day 2

Hi there blog friends!  As many of you guessed I was in one of the flooding areas yesterday.  Thankfully I’m on ground that’s

The Magic of A Smile

Hiya Friends!  Jumping in to share a card after being MIA for a bit.  April is passing so quickly but since the last time I was here, the

JustRite Papercraft April 2014 Releases Day 3

Good morning friends and a happy spring morning to you too!  Today is Day 3 of new releases at JustRite Papercraft and I have a silvery

The Voice of the Garden

Greetings friends!  If I said the word “Spring” would you that help you understand where my mind has been?  Yes, you are