Category Archives: *Elegant Ovals

Friends Forever

Hello there!  I have a new card to share with classic dies from your stash.  I’m in the making mood and had a thought dancing around

Have Passion

Hi friends, today I’ve been delving into things on my desk and actually trying to make a few cards – I’ve been playing

Hello Friend

Good morning friends, fresh air, outside, breathing it in!  I’m up from the craft table today and away, so today’s post is

The Human Heart

Good morning y’all!  Thank you so much for the wonderful feedback on my big change!   I just wanted to let you know that I’m

A Wonderful Beginning

Good morning sweet friends!  This week JustRite Papercraft  has been showing new releases for the month of September.  I love an elegant

Waltzingmouse Stamps – August 2014 – Preview Day 2

Hi there sweet friends!  Today is Day 2 of previews with Waltzingmouse Stamps.  I’m swooning over the new baby sets and

Hearts and Minds

Hi there friends, I can’t believe how fast this week is passing by!  Each day has brought a surprise blessing and it’s made me

Thanks for your Kindness

Hi there sweet friends!  Today I made a gift ensemble to share.  I can’t think of a better way to give a gift and plus you use up

Christmas Vintage Labels Seven

Good morning sweet friends, we’re on a Christmas roll!  Thanks so much for your encouraging words yesterday about conquering the

You Never Know How Strong You Are

Hi there friends, happy weekend :-)  I’ve been busy with my grown girls and family stuff but happy to take a break to create!

Believe in Yourself

Hi there friends, I’m tickled to share one of the new Quietfire Design stamps I received last week.  I rarely buy wood mounted

Those Rare People

Greetings sweet friends!  I’m back to share a friendship card with you today – you can never have enough of these, right?  And