31 Days . . .

What is 31 days?  31 days in some cases is an entire month, a chunk of time, one twelfth of our year.  Some say that if you want to change a  habit, do the desired change for 31 days and you are well on your way.   Some say if you want to acquire a habit, make time to do that new event every day for 31 days and lo and behold, you are creating change.

The readership here at Amazing Paper Grace made me think about starting this feature.  During blog candy and when your opinion is solicited, you all chime in loud and clear.  I’ve always been amazed at the conversations that have gone back and forth through the comments in addition to the wonderful tips and advice that come out of the comments.  Alas, those things scroll off and are forgotten as new posts and new comments are heaped on top and as the days pass.  It was out of a spirit to want to capture the best of those comments and that sharing amongst other readers that I’m starting “31 days”. Every month there will be a new conversation.  For whatever the subject is, I encourage you to leave a comment with a tip that is relevant to the subject we’re discussing.  In fact, I consider you all the experts — leave as many comments as you like.  At the end of the month I’ll pick the best 31 comments, edit them for clarity and republish them with the name of the contributor and a link to their blog (if they filled that out in the “link” box  under comments).  Please feel free to chime in and let me know if you particularly liked someones tip.

New topics will go up around the beginning of each month.  At the end of the month I’ll draw a random name out of the top 31 to receive a some goodies. Let the tips and advice sharing begin!!

February’s topic is 31 days . . . to an organized stamper.
March’s topic is 31 days . . . to a frugal papercrafter.